Exactly one month ago today, a new guy was sworn into office. It’s been one month and I still can’t bring myself to call him by his official title. And the one-month mark falls on Presidents’ Day, no less. My feeling towards this new administration hasn’t changed much in a month’s time. When I last…
Happy…New…Year? (A “Strictly Opinion” Post)
I don’t even know where to begin. I’m trying to think back at 2016 and quite honestly I barely remember the last few months of it. Doesn’t it seem like the holidays were so long ago? 2017 is not even a full month old, yet instead of feeling hopeful like I did on January 1,…
2016, You’ve Been Unreal
It’s 8am on Saturday, December 31, 2016. It’s my favorite time of the day, favorite day of the week, and as I draw back the curtains from my windows to look out at the quietness of the morning, I think of how cliche it’ll be to write a “year in review” post. But, I’d rather…
Pura Vida en Costa Rica
Oh my God. I recently had the opportunity to experience a part of the world that I thought I’d have to wait a long time to visit, and instantly fell in love. With a country. And who wouldn’t, with its gorgeous, lush scenery, year-round warm weather, and of course, the amazingly beautiful people lucky enough…
Raw Emotions of Election 2016 – 1 Week Later
I had planned to post this sooner, but I needed to give myself some time to try and organize my thoughts. So many things are going on in my mind, I’m not sure if gathering myself was a success. A week ago at this time, I wasn’t crying yet. My confidence level in the outcome…
Returning to Atlanta
During the July 4th weekend of 2006, I made my first “pilgrimage” to the city of Atlanta, to catch a Braves game at Turner Field, and do a bit of sightseeing. I spent about 5 days there, and was determined to come back as often as I could. Life, of course, had other plans for…
My Love for the Atlanta Braves
Thanks to Jay Jackson for this! (Instagram: @jayjaxon) Well. It’s official. The 2016 regular season of Major League Baseball came to a close this afternoon. Half the year devoted to America’s favorite pastime, already come and gone, with ten teams moving on to the playoffs in hopes of winning the World Series. As of this…
Fried Food Without Guilt??? Sign Me Up. (Power AirFryer XL)
After a lazy Sunday of watching TV at my parents’ house and noticing that my parents were actually interested in this product from a random infomercial, I recently purchased a Power AirFryer XL from Bed, Bath & Beyond. I figured I’d buy my own and if I liked it, they’d buy one for themselves. The Power…
15 Years Since “That Day”
“I can’t believe it’s already been 15 years…” Today is September 11, 2016. Most of us have probably heard or read that thought, or perhaps have even said it ourselves, at some point today, or in the days leading up to it. I’ve already fired off a series of tweets, retweeted some whose images and…
Don’t Be Afraid to Treat Yourself (Spa Day)
*Names have been changed to protect identity. I don’t know if I really have to do that here but I’ll err on the side of caution. Ahhhhhh day spas, spa days, how I love thee. All my senses are heightened, ready to take in all the relaxation and pampering and damn it I feel like…