15 Years Since “That Day”

“I can’t believe it’s already been 15 years…” Today is September 11, 2016.  Most of us have probably heard or read that thought, or perhaps have even said it ourselves, at some point today, or in the days leading up to it.  I’ve already fired off a series of tweets, retweeted some whose images and…

Olympic Fever

The 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil are already at their halfway mark, and true to form, so much history has been written and witnessed right before the eyes of the world. I am a sucker for the Olympics.  My earliest memories of any Olympic games, either summer or winter, were probably…


The United States celebrated 240 years of independence yesterday, and since I celebrated independently (it’s fine), I – and I’m sure many others – can’t help but reflect a little bit on America. It’s nearly impossible for me to try imagining what life would be like if I had not been born and raised in…